Data login Cellurar on iPad 4

I have an iPad 4 and I'll have the data cellurar connection. I tried to remove the sim card and I have reset the iPad (clear content and settings) and there is no change. The internet connection does not work and sometimes I'll have a very limited co

Apple caching server in a Windows domain?

Hello We seek to add caching to the Apple services to our WIndows domain. It seems that we need a DNS server to do? Does anyone know the DNS settings, which can be placed on our servers DNS Windows to Apple devices point to the caching server? Thank

How to keep the Safari in full screen, when it opens instead of small rectangle I enlarge them with green button and how to keep the presentation of upper task bar without always having to lower

How to open safari in its entirety in a small rectangle and then having to enlarge.  It started to happen. How to keep the top toolbar in view rather than having to lower whenever necessary

HP Pavilion x 2 Tablet 210: hard reset on my laptop, error and now my phone is in a constant reboot State.

My laptop is running slow so I thought I would do a hard reset because I had not all the important files on this subject. So I reset it and I got a blue screen error, then a screen of the list with a popup box saying there was an error or my computer

My Equium M70 crashes when I run MSN

Hi guys been looking everywhere for a solution to this, but I had no luck so far. I just invested in a new laptop (m70-339 h 735) Its brand new and I configure internet (wireless) perfectly well, started surfing the net as expected. I downloaded wind

I tried to update OSX 10.5.6 to leopard 10.6.3 and was not working due to a disk error but now my mac book does not, as the starting system, but after a few secons it will turn off itself, what should I do? Thank you very much!

I tried to update OSX 10.5.6 to leopard 10.6.3 and was not working due to a disk error but now my mac book does not, as the starting system, but after a few secons it will turn off itself, what should I do? Thank you very much!

Issue wih ThinkPad X 220 and Lotus Notes 8.5 graphics

Hello I want to the question of the relationship with Lenovo X 220 and Lotus Notes 8.5.x. Problem is that Lotus Notes lack some of its buttons. Example, if you try to transfer the message send button is not visible until refresh you the screen by pre

a problem of manipulation of table

Hello: I'm sorry for wasting your time if this is a manipulation of the base. I am a newer for Labview and I tried several methods, unfortunately it did not work. There are two tables that refer respectively array and array of experience. assuming th

Virtual Studio 2010 download

Do I need to have an MSDN subscription, but also a technet subscription to download Visual Studio 2010?

OfficeJet Pro 8500 has: the printer does not

Got a message on the control panel may not print, replace the depleted ink cartridge (magenta) to resume printing.  Nothing changed when I replaced the magenta cartridge.  I replaced it once again without change.  I keep getting the same message and

When you use IE8 I sometimes get a screen empty and cannot get online.

How to track what bad connection is? Sometimes, when I open my IE8 browser, it will automatically make a connection to the internet, but sometimes it cannot, and the browser displays a blank page. I already check the internet option for the connectio

HT-DT-ST-BDDVDRW CT10L will not remain in Device Manager

The drive guard stall as the Player isn't here yet. Running Windows 7 32 bit home edition. Makes me crazy.

My defrag doesn't seem to work

My defrag is designed to operate at 1.00 Wednesday morning according to the standard configuration. But when I access the early hours of Wednesday, he doesn't seem to be running. If I click on the "defragment now! button, it works, and it's the littl

Updated drivers to 7

When upgrading to windows 7 since vista it delete all vista and its updates and start over with a new operating system 7?

HP LaserJet 2300 Series Firmware update failed

Hi all After that I loaded a new firmware for my printer it still keeps asking me to install the new firmware. There is nothing else I can do with the printer. I (tried) to install the firmware over the network. When I run the printer the display sho

Re: Double question Z3

Hi I bought xperia z3 two days ago that I used as usual operation of the screen stopped and do not have an image, but I get calls and messages and I the have not used under water and the phone is not subject to any strike in all. any ideas?

GPU for m6-1125dx

This model has the ability to be upgraded to a faster GPU? It's the laptop model HP Envy m6-1125dx, it has internal Intel HD Graphics 4000 up to 1664MB.

Paid the Downgrade Option using Dell?

I called Dell technical support earlier and asked about my current OS (2012 R2) Server 2008 R2 downgrade. I learned that I had not chosen a field of eligibility of decommissioning over my car and so I would be able to downgrade for free. I have just

My sm bus controller and controller USB driver not there (read for detailed explanations)

I have a laptop, it was windows 8.0 and I upgraded to 8.1, I didn't like it at all so I lowered it to win7 because it was laggy and the displayed text was fuzzy. I knew that something was wrong with the installation of windows 8 and even after a clea